
Final days in Central America

Today I did the typical tourist Bocas del Toro thing, which is a boat ride around to some of the best spots. We went to Dolphin Bay, which is called that because, well, you get the idea. I had never seen them in the wild before so I enjoyed it. They were a little shy, which is understandable. You can see two in the center here and about half the boats that were there.

We visited Red Frog Beach on Isla Bastimentos, which was gorgeous. I don´t know why this picture is so dark. It was actually quite sunny.

We also snorkelled at two spots. I was so excited to see my first octopus. They´re quite skittish and adept at camouflage so it takes a trained eye to find them. The best time to see them is at night, so I was proud that I was able to spot one in the daylight. I dove down to get a couple pictures with my underwater disposable, being very careful not to spook it. Then I realized it was dead...