
Final thoughts on Spain

Tonight I´ll sleep in San Sebastian, then get up tomorrow and take a train to Madrid. I have an early flight the following day, so this is my last real night in Spain.

Aside from Bilbao, I love every place I´ve been here. What I love about this country is the way people really enjoy eating and drinking. It´s not just a matter of sustenance for them. Every meal is a fun, social event.

I´ve been averaging about a country per week, but now I´ll be slowing down and spending a month or so in each country. Now it gets really interesting. I haven´t been to any of what I hope to be the highlights of the trip. And I´m doing what will be the three most challenging countries all in a row: Russia, Mongolia and China.

It may be easy to find internet access, or it may be impossible. I´ll update the blog and respond to email as often as I can. If I don´t, it probably means I´m in a Chinese prison with Jack Bauer.