I'm on day two of my Everest Base Camp trek. Today we hiked to Namche Bazar, a town built almost literally on the edge of an 11,000 foot cliff. Clouds have rolled in, but I can't wait to see the view in the morning. The first day of the trek was miserable. Rain all day, muddy trails. The scenery was awesome but in a spooky, gothic sort of way.
I woke up this morning to this.
There was a 6,000-meter peak just outside my window that I couldn't even see yesterday because of the weather. It's not even on my map. My guide said that's because it's not considered an important peak. Only in Nepal is a 6,000-meter snowcapped peak considered unworthy of mention on a map!
About an hour before we arrived there is a point where we were told that on clear days it's possible to see Everest. When we arrived there the pass was clouded over, so we joked that we weren't leaving until the clouds cleared. Then, magically, they did.
That's me in the front, Everest in the center, and to the right, behind the trees, is Nuptse, at a mere 7900 meters or so.
I've already got dozens of photos, and this is just the stuff we have to walk through to get to the "good" stuff!