
Travel tips: Nepal

To my great surprise, people actually seem to be reading my blog. It's fun to write, but even more so knowing someone is paying attention.

I've tried to focus on the positive and only write about negative experiences if I can find the humor in them, or if there's some sort of lesson to be learned. There have been too many great experiences and so many fantastic people to write about, so it doesn't make sense to waste any time on the the few exceptions.

However, perhaps it makes sense for me to at least point out cities, hostels, restaurants, travel agents, etc., that I think should be avoided, as well as ones that are worth checking out.

Thus begins the first installment of travel tips:

In Kathmandu, if you're looking for a travel agent do NOT use Himalayan Glacier. They were hideously expensive and set me up with one of the worst travel guides I've ever had. He was lazy, sleazy and dishonest.

In Kathmandu, if you're looking for a travel agent do NOT use Himalayan Trail Finder. I booked my trip to Chitwan National Park through them and they failed to pick me up, not once, but twice!

If you're looking for a place to stay in Chitwan National Park, do NOT go to Island Jungle Resort. I wrote a lengthy post about it in which I called "the world's most remote tourist trap."

In Pokhara, I highly recommend paragliding, but do NOT use the Blue Sky company. I wrote a post about how my pilot screwed up and I only got about half the time I paid for and all they offered me by way of "apology" was a free t-shirt.

In Pokhara, if you're looking for a guest house, do NOT use Karma Guest House.

If you want further details email me.