It was great to be home, although my blood has thinned somewhat after two years in Southeast Asia. It rarely gets down to 70 degrees here, so I was a little cold...
When I booked the trip I wondered how I would keep busy for 17 days. In the end their were things I didn't get done, projects I didn't get around to, people I didn't get to see enough of, or at all. I tried, but, as always, I am terrible when it comes to planning and managing my time. Hmm... sounds like a New Year's resolution in there somewhere.
Thanks especially to Mom and Dad. For everything.
Thanks to my sister Kelly and her family. Hanging out with her kids, Christopher and Sarah, is the one thing I miss the most from home. It was the one thing I looked forward to the most. Spending time with them was the highlight of the trip.
Thanks as always to Earl and Liz for taking such good care of my dog. They watched her for the year I spent traveling, and officially adopted her when I decided to move overseas. Now she is officially "their" dog but she will always be "my" dog. Oh, you know what I mean... Our best guess is that Scully is 18 years old. She's doing as well as an 18-year-old dog can do! I couldn't have found her a better home.
It was also a thrill seeing their little girl for the first time. Thalia was born just after I left after my last visit home. Now she's walking!
Thanks to Jim and Nicole for their hospitality. They let me crash with them for a couple days, even though they had hosted family for the holidays and were ready for some peace and quiet. I think they just wanted someone to help them get rid of their holiday leftovers, and I was all too happy to oblige!
Thanks to Sowmya for driving me to the airport. She lives five minutes from Dulles and was nice (crazy?) enough to let me stay the night and then wake up at 5 a.m. to get me there on time.
Apologies to Lily -- I still owe you a movie...