Vietnam is an easy country to travel in, partly due to the wealth of transportation options, but mostly because of the shape of the country. Because it's long and skinny, visitors either travel from north to south (Hanoi to Saigon) or vice versa.
I did the south to north route, entering from Cambodia, starting in Saigon and heading north to Hanoi and ultimately to Sapa. Having gone all the way up, I'm now going back down. I decided to return to Hoi An, my favorite town in the whole wide world. The sunset shot above is just one reason why.
From here I may continue on to Saigon, or I may go back north again and see if I have better luck with the weather in Sapa. My visa for Vietnam expires on May 3, so I may stay here for a couple more weeks. Or I may go back to Cambodia. Or Laos. Ask me tomorrow.
I am totally winging it at this point. The trip is essentially over. I'm just trying to stretch it out as long as I can. Luckily I'm in a part of the world where it's easy to travel cheaply.
I don't expect to be posting as much since I'll probably be covering familiar ground. After the breakneck pace of the first half of the trip it's been nice to be able to take my time and relax a little.